Monday 1 August 2011

Hosting School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Students on Country

Bana Yarralji's future prospect of becoming a viable, sustainable cultural enterprise, it seems, is in Marilyn Wallace, Peter Wallace, their family and friends becoming good hosts on country.

(see previous posting about Mike's Magic Dougnut below)

A little earlier this year. back in June, Bana Yarralji were provided perfect opportunity to be the kind of hosts they are being encouraged to be ie providing a distinctly local Aboriginal cultural experience from their block of land, Lot 7, 873 Shiptons Flat Road (Kunawarra Estate, Nyungkal country)

James Cook University's School of Earth and Environmental Sciences lecturer, Sharon Harwood;

i.   heard Marilyn Wallace speaking out on local ABC Radio inviting visitors from around the world to come and visit her country in the hope of making income enabling Kuku Nyungkal people to  live, and make a living on Kuku Nyungkal country;

ii.  asked Bana Yarralji if they would be willing to talk to and host a block of students from around the world who would be keen to experience a bit of indigenous Australia as part of of a 'Planning for Sustainable Communities in a Changing Environment' course they would be doing.

Marilyn Wallace who has some past experience as a teacher or teacher aide, greatly valued the opportunity to host a group of students from around the world on her country .. and it wasn't long before they were all there, on Lot 7, being presented with Marilyn and Peter's shining vision of the future

Not quite a business venture at this point, but a valuable experience in what it's like to host University students on country; being an hosting exercise and potential beginnings of a new relationship with James Cook University's School of Earth and Environmental Sciences that Bana Yarralji would like to build upon and extend into the future.

A formal letter of thanks was recieved, some promise  of being forwarded some of the case study work the students produced has been made, Marilyn Wallace has been invited to meet senior officers in the Planning Institute of Australia, and enjoyable experience had by all!!

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About Bana Yarralji

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Cultural entreprenuers moving onto country, building a base on country, working on country; caring for country, and hosting guests on country
