Thursday 4 August 2011

Seeking Support from Communal Landholders

The vision being pursued by Bana Yarralji is their personal vision, and, it has proven, a vision shared by many of the 1000 strong Nyungkal countrymen, plus the 5000 or more strong Yalanji nation (of whom Nyungkal are just one of approximately five groups).

Just as the Bana Yarralji vision is both a personal vision plus a shared vision; similarly, it turns out, the rights Marilyn Wallace et al have to occupy, use, and enjoy the ancesteral lands on which Bana Yarralji have been building their tiolet block etc are both individual rights and rights shared with as many as 1000 strong Nyungkal countryment, plus 5000 or more members of the Yalanji nation.

Not surprisingly, then, when Australian law and legal practices mix with local Aboriginal lore and legal process, there is much that gets entangled, even after the Australian Federal Court has determined what rights people such as Marilyn Wallace et al hold, and who holds those rights!!

The Bana Yarralji cultural entrepreneurs are seeking to exercise rights they are sourcing from within local indigenous lore; as individual rights to tell of their lores,; to host guests; to show off their lands and waters; to build a small family business; and to derive an income as their preferred means to achieve a more widely shared vision and dream.

Unfortunately the registered title holders of the lands on which Bana Yarralji is building it's toilets; establishing it's base; and striving to launch their small family cultural enterprise is, in fact, a corporate body and land trust charged by the Federal Court and State Government with holding the land on behalf of 1000 strong Nyungkal people plus greater than 5000 strong Yalanji nation

The challenge being reported in this post, then, is the challenge faced by Marilyn Wallace, Peter Wallace and Bana Yarralji of trying to win the support of the relevant corporate body and land trust, Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation, without whose support it is not possible for Bana Yarralji to obtain a lease for the portion of Lot 7, 873 Shiptons Flat Road they are seeking to operate from .. withou whose understanding, support and assistance the Bana Yarralji cultural enterprise might not ultimately succeed

On Thursday last week, then, 28 July 2011, Bana Yarralji cultural entreprenuers arranged a meeting with members of the Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporations board, plus senior staff within that organisations, to seek to explain exactly how it is that a cultural enterprise supported by a land trust can assist realize a vision and dream shared by the many.

The photograph  below, then, was taken in some spare space found around the Balkanu Cape York Development offices - at a table especially assembled for the purpose, showing the Bana Yarralji cultural entrepreneurs, Jabalbina Yalanji board members and staff, plus Cape York Instutitute staff and interns .. all having just met to explain, explore and begin building potential understanding and trust sufficient to actually see Bana Yarralji supported to apply business principles realizing a communally shared dream

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About Bana Yarralji

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Cultural entreprenuers moving onto country, building a base on country, working on country; caring for country, and hosting guests on country
